Greetings from our President - November 2024
Dear Southeastern Synod WELCA Sisters,
We have launched our new website!! Check it out at
We want to thank Taylor Yates for all her hard work on creating this new webpage which we hope will help us better communicate with all our sisters across this Synod. We are still in the progress of updating our tabs, but please send us a message in the chat box on how you like the new format and our photos. And submit your pictures from convention!
We have tried to capture the beauty and elegance that the Women of Cluster 7 created for us in Huntsville this past September. Their outpouring of grace, charm, love, and care for all of us allowed a flow of ideas and faith building unmatched in recent years. Thanks to the diligent efforts of our Diaspora hostesses, our offerings exceeded expectations. The rich fellowship and conversation provided the effective communications we needed to negotiate unplanned rooming fees from the host facility to an equitable solution. In the end, we will be able to clear that much-reduced charge this month. As your generous offerings have continued this fall, we anticipate meeting our dedicated expenses by the end of 2024.
Our most exciting news to share is the wonderful offering collected for Katie’s Fund at Convention.
We will now be eligible to receive the award of funds to help us next year. Our total convention offering as of 10/4/2024 was:
2024-25 Convention Offerings
Convention Offering $2435.85
Love Offering $1427
Silent Auction $1811.30
Katies Fund $1357
Convention Expenses $892.49 YTD: $1658.63
LWR Shipping $751 YTD: $2902.70
Total: $8,674.64
Offerings should be sent to:
Diana Palma
312 Honey Locust Court
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Send any questions you may have: or Text 404 667-6290. Also check out the “Offerings” Tab on You may now make your donations online to any category, including the missions we support.
Next, submit your Project Shining Star ideas with photos through the end of January 2025. As we move forward we will be updating and adding more information so be sure to check back periodically.
In Christ, your SESWELCA Sister,
Phyllis Wade