Our Missions
Our mission work unites us in service, supporting communities locally and globally. Here, you’ll find information on all our mission initiatives, from outreach programs to faith-based service projects. Together, we’re making a difference by sharing resources, uplifting those in need, and spreading compassion. Explore each area below to learn more about our ongoing efforts and how you can join us in this important work!

Mission Statement
The Stewardship Committee supports, empowers, and encourages women to demonstrate their Christian love
through ministries of service to those in need throughout God's world.
2022-2023 Stewardship Committee
Christeen Yerby (chair) - cyerby@bellsouth.net
Kat Julius - gramkat@comcast.net
Alice Schunemann - schunemann.a@gmail.com

Days for Girls International
Days for Girls empowers days of education, health, safety, and dignity. We do this by direct distribution of sustainable feminine hygiene kits by partnering with nonprofits, groups and organizations, by raising awareness, and importantly, by helping impoverished communities start their own programs to supply kits and training. Together with our network of thousands of exceptional volunteers and partners, we have reached tens of thousands of girls and women in over 60 nations on 6 continents and counting. It's working.
How can Women of the ELCA help? Your unit can make the feminine hygiene kits or provide money to local or state Days for Girls chapters for the purchase of materials to make kits. Currently there is a Georgia chapter in Atlanta and a Tennessee chapter in Nashville.
For more information and to contact these or other chapters, check their website at www.daysforgirls.org/. They also have a Facebook page.
Katie's Fund
The purpose of Katie’s Fund is to provide similar assurance for the future of Women of the ELCA’s efforts in the area of global sharing, leadership development, and living theology. With income from the invested fund, Women of the ELCA will continue to enhance global partnerships, increase multicultural awareness, enhance organizational participation, and nurture growth in faith.
Your congregation should spend time preparing your members to learn about Katie’s Fund and the programs supported by the fund. There are brochures available from the Women of the ELCA. The website also offers additional information on Stewardship and Giving. The same website will lead you to a
skit about Katie’s Fund.
It is the goal of the Southeastern Synod Women of the ELCA to continue to support Katie’s Fund with our financial gifts and offerings, our hard work, and our prayers. Each year at our convention in September we sell items at Katie's Table to raise money for Katie's Fund. This year we sold secondhand purses as well as some other items which raised $1036, and $828 from Silent Auction items, for a grand total of $1864 which will be sent to the churchwide organization for Katie's Fund.
For more information contact the Women of the ELCA at 800-638-3522, ext. 2730 or www.womenoftheelca.org.

Ronald McDonald House Charities
Those shiny pull tabs from soup cans, soda cans, and pet food cans are valuable. Instead of just throwing them away, they can raise money for Ronald McDonald House Charities. Statistics tell us there are now more than 265 Ronald McDonald Houses in 24 countries. We have nine Ronald McDonald Houses in the Southeastern Synod that participate in the pop tab program: two in Alabama, three in Georgia, and four in Tennessee. You can deliver tabs throughout the year to the location closest to you or bring them to the annual convention.
Visit their website at www.rmhc.org/ for more information.
Samaritan's Purse
Operation Christmas Child
Imagine the look on a child’s face when he/she opens a shoe box filled with Christmas goodies. It is through our continued support of Operation Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse that we can share the love of Jesus Christ with hurting children around the world. Simply fill a shoe box with a variety of gifts that will bring delight to a child. Toys, games, clothing, school supplies, and personal care items are always welcome. There are 6 categories to choose from: 2-4 year old girl, 2-4 year old boy, 5-9 year old girl, 5-9 year old boy, 10-14 year old girl, and 10-14 year old boy. Samaritan’s Purse has asked our organization to promote boxes for boys 2-4 and boys 10-14.
You should wrap the shoe box in Christmas paper, just be sure to wrap the tops separately. Each box should have a label taped to the top that denotes if it is for a girl or a boy, and the age category indicated. You can find the “official” labels on their web site to print off and use. The last thing to do to get your shoe box ready is to place a rubber band around each shoe box to hold the lid on. Each donor is asked to place $7 in an envelope inside the shoe box, on top of your gift items to help cover the shipping costs.
See www.samaritanspurse.org for more info.


Mission Statement
We are called as a diverse body of women to promote justice by embracing, educating, and empowering women to be bold in their faith and to walk humbly with God.
2022-2023 Justice Committee
Sissy Gifford (chair) - ggiff819@aol.com
Diana Palma - palmadbmax@gmail.com
Phyllis Wade - wade.phyllis@gmail.com

Bold Women's Sunday
From all walks of life Women of the ELCA within each congregational unit lead BOLD projects for Lutheran World Relief, serve on church councils, and in a multitude of ministry and community outreach areas.
Traditionally, a Sunday in February has been set aside to celebrate Bold Women’s Day.
You may use this Sunday to educate the congregation about the mission and purpose of all women in your church.
Many resources are available for use in planning this Sunday at www.womenoftheelca.org. You will find DVDs, a litany for Bold Women’s Day, information on Katherine Von Bora Luther, Bible studies, and much more. Be BOLD and creative in your planning!
Begin now to plan for your special celebration!
Church Women United
Church Women United is an ecumenical movement that brings together Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, and other Christians.
Some of their annual programs include:
-World Day of Prayer held the first Friday in March
-May Friendship Day held the first Friday in May
-World Community Day held the first Friday in November
For more information about visit their website at www.churchwomen.org or contact them at or 212-870-2347.

Companion Synod Program
The Southeastern Synod is a partner with the LaCrosse Area Synod. We also have companion synods in Guatemala, Malaysia/Singapore; Bavaria, Germany; and Ethiopia.
Women of the ELCA may support this effort through the following:
Make the companion synods a part of your opening prayer at each meeting and ask your church to include them each week in the prayers of the church
Create a bulletin board display
Call Global Missions for literature to display
Support special projects of these synods
Call the synod office for current or ongoing needs
Rachel's Day
Justice for Children and Youth
Rachel’s Day is a service project designed to help incarcerated mothers
and fathers read totheir children by supplying books, tapes, and recorders.
All one has to do is read their local newspaper or listen to TV to know violence, crime, drugs, neglect and abuse, poor health and hunger, guns and gangs are major problems in all communities around the country. Begin your planning now to build awareness and action on behalf of all of our children. The Women of the ELCA encourage their congregations to recognize the 1st Sunday in May as Rachel’s Day.
Help for celebrating Rachel’s Day:
Go to www.womenoftheelca.org
Make a donation or volunteer at an appropriate center or agency that supports children and youth at risk for violence
Begin at home. Make children aware of how violence affects our lives (TV, internet, texting, etc.)
Enlist youth to participate in an activity
Use prayers, Rachel’s Day Litany, and other resources during worship or study

Social Justice and Advocacy
We engage in ministry; we take action through advocacy: we promote healing and wholeness: and we support one another in our callings.
Women of the ELCA justice initiatives include combating commercial sexual exploitation, human trafficking and supporting families with special needs through our online resources. We advocate for racial and cultural equity through our anti-racism training and our cross-cultural programming.
Women active in Women of the ELCA also work for justice by supporting partner organizations who lift up women and children such as Lutheran World Relief and the Women's Funding Network.
Women of the ELCA Sunday
Women of the ELCA Sunday is traditionally held on the fourth Sunday in September, but you may choose any Sunday. This is an opportunity for the women of your congregation to assume the many responsibilities of the worship service and celebrate the role of women in the church. There are special services found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship, Lutheran Book of Worship, With One Voice, and This Far By Faith. As you plan your Women of the ELCA service, let the Spirit be your guide.


Speaker's Bureau
The following individuals are available to speak at programs for congregational units, retreats, and cluster events.
A Place For You: Finding Your Place in WELCA - Louise Iconis, 404-769-8253, louise@iconis.com
Faith - Patti Austin, 404-819-5077
Global Mission - Larry Schultz, 770-228-6850,
Grateful Giving - Barbara Schwanebeck, 770-427-7808
Leadership - Patti Austin, 404-819-5077 or Debbie Lundell, 770-815-8918
Living Well: Exercises for the“Young at Heart” - Muriel Williams, 404-505-1052
Living Well With Chronic Conditions - Muriel Williams, 404-505-1052
Racial Justice - Cathi Crimi, 615-414-8959 or Jacqui El Torro, 404-452-5354
Women of the ELCA
Grants and Scholarships
Women of the ELCA offers scholarships in three categories: scholarships for Lutheran laywomen studying for a career other than ordained ministry, scholarships for administrative leadership to women interested in reaching the top of their field as administrators, and scholarships for women in their final year at an ELCA seminary. All applications must be received by February 15 of each year and may be obtained by contacting the Women of the ELCA at 1-800-638-3522.
Your unit may also contribute to the scholarship fund by designating Scholarship Fund under special offerings on Women of the ELCA's Form B. (see attachment below)

Youth and Young Women
Young Women see visions and act upon these visions. Our future and the future of our organization is in the hands of SESLYO (Southeastern Synod Lutheran Youth Organization) and SESYALL (Southeastern Synod Young Adults Living Lutheran): two fantastic organizations. Yet many of us do not know who they are and the many gifts they have to share. These young women are primed, ready, and most importantly, eager to engage with more experienced leaders. It rests upon our shoulders to seek, invite, and hear them. To our circle meetings or cluster meetings.
What is your cluster or congregational doing to reach out to young women?