There are four expressions of
the Women of the ELCA.
Churchwide Organization
Synodwide Organization
Congregational Units
The Churchwide Women’s Organization consists of 64 Synodical Women’s Organizations which are divided into clusters or conferences (the Southeastern Synod has 9; and over 7000 congregational, inter-congregational and special units.
The congregational units, or CU’s are the largest expression of the organization, and are the heart of the organization. This is where we first invite women, to experience the transforming love of God through Jesus Christ, encouraging them to act on their baptismal covenant.
Clusters are groupings of congregations within a synodical organization. They provide learning opportunities through leadership training, community building, stewardship education, and networks for communication. Clusters also provide opportunities for joint ministry and action, with the guidance of the synodical board.

The synodical women’s organization, or SWO, establishes a partnership with units in their geographic areas, and with the churchwide women’s organization. They exist to support the women in congregations and clusters.
The churchwide women’s organization, or CWO is the entire organization. Within the churchwide expression of Women of the ELCA, the Triennial Convention is the highest legislative authority. Delegates to the convention elect board members to serve until the next Triennial Convention. The board hires an executive director to oversee the operations of the organization and the executive director hires staff that provides resources and programs for all Women of the ELCA. In all other expressions of Women of the ELCA, volunteers carry out the organization’s mission and purpose.