Lutheran World Relief

About Me.
Lutheran World Relief Update
by Janice Hawkins
It is time to prepare for our Lutheran World Relief Ingatherings!
There will be 7 locations in the Southeastern Synod to drop off your LWR Mission Quilts & Kits. The dates for loading the trucks are August 23 and 24, 2024. Please check the Ingathering list in this Weaver for exact dates and times at the location nearest to you. There are additional instructions for packing and labeling your boxes on the 2024 Church Reporting Form. Please have this form filled out when you arrive to drop off your donations at the truck. Information for each Ingathering is also available on the LWR website ( under the link “Find an Ingathering”.
Some important things to remember are:
Label each box with type of item and quantity in the box, Church name with city & state, and the box weight in lbs. (be sure your box weighs LESS than 40 lbs.)
LWR is still working on developing a new Quilt & Kit tracking system. General tracking statistics from 2023 are available on the poster available on the LWR website under resources. You can print this for display as an 8.5 x 11 document or order one in poster size for display.
DO NOT include toothpaste in Personal Care kits-this is due to international shipping restrictions. Don’t worry-LWR gives a tube of toothpaste to everyone receiving a Personal Care Kit.
LWR is no longer accepting Fleece blankets. They are also not accepting any quilts made with fleece or fleece of any type in kits. Fleece has been determined to be harmful to the environment.
Please have the 2024 Church Reporting form filled out and give this to the person checking you in at your Ingathering location. You might want to make a copy to keep for your records.
On February 7, 2024, an important video called “Understanding the new 2024 Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide” was released. It is filled with inspiring stories, vital information for your ministry, and updated recommendations.
Please take a moment and listen to this video:
Information About Quilts and Kits
Quilt & Kit Ministry
School Kits, Personal Care Kits, Fabric Kits, Baby Care Kits, and Quilts are small gestures with a Spirit-inspired impact. Women of the ELCA’s annual contributions make us part of Lutheran World Relief’s broad focus: a world where all people live in justice, dignity, and peace….working to end poverty, injustice and human suffering. Through participating in LWR Quilt & Kit Ministry, we put our faith into action, stretching hearts and hands across the ocean to people in need.
Information (printable guides and videos) about contents and packing for all kits may be found on the Lutheran World Relief website ( Printed copies of the 2023-2024 Quilt & Kit Ministry Guide can be ordered for free from the resource library or by calling 800-597-5972. The website also has a page summarizing where our various contributions were distributed last year. You can also order a poster for display.
Be creative! Challenge circles and Sunday School classes to compete to donate the most items, schedule “assembly days” for fun and fellowship to put kits together, share quilt & kit shopping lists with friends, civic clubs, and other organizations, ask about the possibility of merchant discounts for bulk supplies.
Reminders about details
• Quilts, Personal Care Kits, and School Kits are the most needed• Maximum weight per box is 40 pounds…..less is better for spinal health!
• Absolutely no plastic or paper bags
• Your church’s donations (delivered to an Ingathering site) must include a copy of the 2023 Reporting Form
• Quilt & Kit Ingatherings will be held on August 26 and 27, 2023 at 7 locations throughout the Southeastern Synod
**Bulk soap and fleece-tied blankets are no longer accepted by Lutheran World Relief – soap is only included as an item in Personal Care Kits and Baby Care Kits**
*Watch for more details in The Southeastern Weaver, on the LWR Ingathering webpage, and on our website.
Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund
Contributing toward shipping may be a simpler way for some women to participate. Estimated costs of shipping a single kit range from $1.00 (fabric kit) to $2.65 (personal care kit).
Checks should be made payable to SES WELCA and mailed to our synodical treasurer, Diana Palma, with a notation in the memo line LWR-Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund.

Quilt & Kit Shipping Fund
LWR Key Leader - Janice Hawkins or 770-712-6090
Friday and Saturday: 9 am-12 noon
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
8271 Whispering Pines, Daphne 36526
Site Coordinators: Tommie Morgan
Eileen Becker
Church Phone: 251-621-2968 (call coordinator))
Phone: 251-591-1019
Phone: (cell) 251-454-5912 or (home) 251-666-1896
ALABAMA - Central
Call to drop off Aug 21-24 for truck loading on Friday (25th)
Shades Valley Lutheran Church
720 Shades Creek Parkway, Birmingham 35209
Site Coordinators: Anne Scholl
Roberta Stamp
Church Phone: 205-871-3512 (call coordinator)
Phone: 770-403-0023
Phone: 205-410-4721
ALABAMA - Northeast
Saturday: 9 am – 12 noon NO FRIDAY DROP-OFF
Messiah Lutheran Church
7740 Hwy 72 West, Madison 35758
Site Coordinators: Rhonda Gaede
Church Phone: 256-721-0041 (call coordinator)
Phone: 256-679-2931
GEORGIA - Atlanta Area
Friday: 8:30am – 1 pm and Saturday: 8:30am-noon
Trinity Lutheran Church
1826 Killian Hill Road, Lilburn 30047
Site Coordinators: Janice Hawkins
Church Phone: 770-972-4418 (call coordinator)
Phone: 770-712-6090
Friday: 1 pm-5 pm Saturday: by appointment call Sandy
St. Johns Lutheran Church
Highway 21 & 7th Street, Rincon 31326
Site Coordinators: Sandy Gibson
Marty Hendrix
Church Phone: 251-621-2968 (call coordinator)
Phone: 912-658-0868
Phone: (cell) 912-661-4122 or (home) 912-754-4860
TENNESSEE - Nashville Area
Friday: 9 am-1pm Saturday: by appointment call Joni
Saint Andrew Lutheran Church
908 Murfreesboro Rd, Franklin 37064
Site Coordinators: Joni Donegan
Church Phone: 615-794-1624 (call coordinator)
Phone: 615-584-9309
TENNESSEE - East/Central
Friday: 4-8pm Saturday: 8:30 am-11 am
Reformation Lutheran Church
400 West Main St., Greenville 37743
Site Coordinators: Mary Jane Gray
Barbara Richards
Church Phone: 423-638-4627 (call coordinator)
Phone: (cell) 423-525-2177 or (home) 423-972-1769
Phone: 423-525-3254